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Numb3rs s01e01 - Numb3rs S01E11

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numb3rs s01e01

Le violeur a tué pour la première fois puis elle lui annonce que la nouvelle recrue est là, David Sinclair. Why didn't I think of that? We're halfway through, get another 200 every day. . There's over 20,000 calls and e-mails. No breakthroughs yet in the brutal series of rapes that have rocked the Southland So, who we dealing with here? And we have so much work to do. Agent Eppes, we've got the dead girl's car.


numb3rs s01e01

Charlie spots the sprinkler through the glass door. Enquêtez auprès des personnes sur place! The map's much more accurate, from 87% to 96%. Portland, 1983, appréhendé dans la zone à forte probabilité. I know I'm supposed to be going through some equations for you. He references back to the file and maps. Elle vit juste en face de ce parking.

Numb3rs S01E01 720p HDTV x264

numb3rs s01e01

He used something to cover her face, causing asphyxiation. » Charlie : -« Vraiment! Boston, 1992, le tueur habitait la zone à forte probabilité. An agent takes a picture of a man at a phone booth. Il poursuit alors ses calculs. » Don : -« David! Aucune trace de son appel nulle part. He sits and looks through photos of the victims slowly.

Numb3rs S01E01 720p HDTV x264

numb3rs s01e01

The one the assistant director assigned. But just give me a minute. Can you five - one, two, three, four and five please come up here? This is Special Agent Eppes in Los Angeles. » Don : -« Bien sûr! » Amita : -« Ipérionne entre Melrose et Delmarre! You know, look at me. Charlie, what I'm trying to say is you are almost 30 years old. » Agent : -« Prévenez le central! Terry holds her as she dials her cell phone. I do a little catering on the side.

Numb3rs S01E01 720p HDTV x264

numb3rs s01e01

Charlie en profite donc pour jeter un œil au dossier de son frère. I know that it's gonna be hard for you to talk your boss into doing it again, - but we can't stop after one attempt. Arrested for attempted rape 12 years ago. » Charlie : -« Bien sur que non! The coroner straps the body onto the gurney and begins to put it in the van. All fifty-two guys from the hot zone are cleared. Those whose names are mentioned are singled out. » Allan : -« Ca va! You can't win if you don't buy a ticket.

Numb3rs (S01E01): Pilot Summary

numb3rs s01e01

I need to run a database search for companies in the industrial district of Vernon, Los Angeles, California. I helped build an entire Weak Force theory with less than that. The brand, with the four crosses. Il y a des incohérences dans son témoignage. The problem involves finding an origin point from evidence provided by scattered effects.

Numb3rs S01E11

numb3rs s01e01

Sa colocataire avait signalé sa disparition il y a deux jours. Just, uh, please distribute yourselves randomly across this area right here. Ma seule priorité est de vous assister sur ce dossier. » Allan est mort de rire en arrière plan. » Merrick : -« Et il a fait les calculs pour ce dossier? This is Special Agent Sinclair.


numb3rs s01e01

Neighbors insist they heard nothing We've ordered police protection for the other victims? Ce sont tes données qui ne collent pas! If she was having car trouble, maybe she was on the way to a repair shop. We got the last results. That's something you hadn't told us before. » David : -« Pff! If she was attacked where it broke down, we do have a shot at some forensics. Well, in a way, this project is related to your theory.


numb3rs s01e01

Amita, could you put the first map right up here, please? Chaque parking doit être vérifié. En partant de la zone a forte probabilité, on doit trouver les emplacements des viols! Well, that's not gonna happen. I would say I'm actually pretty good at avoing duels. » Don : -« Comment ça va? I had a feeling about Silver Lake. Numb3rs tiene detrás el poderoso respaldo económico de los hermanos Ridley y Tony Scott y su productora, que han desarrollado una carrera muy lucrativa en Hollywood, con películas tan importantes como Gladiador o Blade Runner. » Don : -« Comme du ruban adhésif ou un sac plastique! Quelle est son adresse déjà? That's way outside the areas defined by the other locations. Homme : -« Une seconde! Elle avait promis à son fiancé de ne plus le revoir … mais en réalité, ils étaient restés … comment dire …en contact! I can design an equation to identify two hot zones.

Numb3rs s01

numb3rs s01e01

He begins furiously erasing the work on the chalkboard. » Infirmière : -« Elle revoyait son ex-petit-ami. Don redescend et découvre son frère sur un dossier. Did she break down of a free way or homepage on a surface street? People begin to crowd around him. Don : -« On ignore depuis combien de temps il la détenait.

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